Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008


Finals, finals, finals.....

The resulting chaos of all my classes' material crashing together in my brain must be a lot like the day the wall fell here.  It's the last week here and everybody's feeling the crunch.  We were all assinged papers and projects in the beginning of the semester and, as the great top-notch American work ethic liberal arts students we all are here, we've waited until now to start them.  
I have 3 papers to write:  One for econ on Germany's EU level response to the liberalization of the blah blah blah, one for Soccer, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll, and Sex on Americanization (or 'Our Benevolent Bestowance of Good Morals, Entertainment Ideas, Democracy and Freedom to Those Less Fortunate Nations' as I like to call it), and one for Visual Culture where I determine what makes an advertisement Berlinian and then create a stereotypical one of my own using a program I have no idea how to use.
Throw a fat greasy slab of 4 final exams onto that next week and you'll get the heartstopping Sarkis Omellete that is my academic life right now.
As a result, I'll be even more sparse with my blogging, probably until I come home.  I apologize that I fell off the blogging boat about midway through the semester, promising posts that never came, but I will continue to put up my adventures after finals and even after I get home when I'll have ample time sitting in my room after waking up at 3 pm.  I know it wont be totally relevant anymore, but I hope it will still be enjoyable and informative on what I was doing that was so fun.
A quick update though:  I'm ready to come home.  Germany's been great, but I want the semester to be over and I miss people back home and at school.  I will likely miss the people here the most, but thanks to Skype, AIM, and video games (yes, they have social uses now), I'll be keeping in touch.  Secondly, I'll miss the food, especially Doener.  Mmmmm.  And of course the beer.  No I am not an alcoholic.  Far from it, in fact.  I am now a beer snob!  Sucks for my friends from now on, as every beer I drink I will likely compare to one from Germany and consider it inferior.  I will miss the culture surrounding it here as well.  No, not just the younger drinking age, but primarily the everyday position alcohol holds in German society.  Because it's not rebelious or hard to get, people drink for enjoyment and taste rather than to get drunk.  They are not forced to plan crazy drinking events like in the US, the rarity usually resulting in binge drinking.
And I suppose someone will be wondering if I've discovered anything about myself while I was here and the answer is yes:  I cannot grow a good beard.  :-(    <-see?  no beard either.
