Dienstag, 16. September 2008

Play Time is Over

Temple Burger Konig

1. Classes
2. Hamburg Trip
3. German Batman
4. Other Little Things

1. Classes started yesterday and we're all gonna have to  get back into the academic swing of things.  I'm taking this Visual Culture class where we learn about Berlin's style and make, basically, a big art project at the end.  I don't have my legos with me, so for the first time in years I may have to do something sophisticated.  I'm also taking a class called Soccer, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll (and SEX) in Europe, which sounds far more badass than I think it will be, but it seems like it will still be fun.  It's one of those opinion based classes about art and cultural movements, so I can basically say anything I want and be right.  My third and fourth classes I haven't had yet: the Metropolis in Literature and Film and European Econ., which should be useful with the US economy's current state of total failure.  Then of course there is German with my really weird teacher who doesn't understand why "how are politics?" is not a question.

2. On Saturday we went to Hamburg, which is the less cool, more expensive Berlin.  It was still pretty fun, there were lots of cool buildings.  We had a walking tour of the city with the only 6'10", black, Portuguese man in Germany.  He made a lot of relatively harmless sexist comments and showed us where to pick up prostitutes and what their pricings are.  Great.
After that we got lunch at this soccer bar/pub place.  I tried to order milk with my pork schnitzel (with a fried egg plopped on top of it.  ?.), but the guy didn't understand.  It was on the menu, but apparently no one had ordered milk there before.  Ever.
We then went to an art museum where we saw art from this modern art guy.  Each picture was basically 3 different colors: one background, and two rectangles of the other two colors.  They looked more like paint or wallpaper samplings than anything else.  Then there was this group of people with a guide who were sitting in front of literally a black rectangle for 20 minutes discussing it.  Thank God Ella, one of the staff I was touring the exhibit with, thought it was all as rediculous as I did.

We saw the Cat Lady from the Simpsons!

We took a boat tour of Hamburg (pictures here: http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr94/lliw2322/Trip%20to%20Hamburg/), which was pretty cool except for the drunken bachelorette party going on behind us, at 6 pm.  One of us got sick on the boat though, and going through about 20 locks was a little annoying, but I'm such a history nerd and sucker for cool buildings and big boats that I didn't mind ignoring the groaning and the waiting.
We had about 2 hours after the boat ride to go look around Hamburg.  The girls went shopping and two other guys and I went to look for some food and a drink.  There didn't seem to be very many places, much unlike Berlin, so when we finally came to a lit up one named 'Willi's' we were pretty happy.  We went in and ordered drinks and sat down at a table with cushoned seats and little fancy candles on the table.  I noticed two guys talking closely at a table, two more at the bar sitting together, and that the bartender's shirt was half open.  It was hard to see much detail, as the rainbow lights outside were messing up the lighting.  Hmm...  I went to the bathroom and on the way saw a picture of two bulky naked guys making out, and then I realized I was in a gay bar.
I got the nickname 'superman' before and on the train home.  The train arrived on time, but one of the other guys, Jack, was missing, so I ran up the stairs to get him.  Apparently it looked pretty dramatic, because the other people were cheering me on in the station.  Unfortunately, I thought they were called me back, so I ran back down and two others went after Jack instead.  Then on the train, this suitcase was about to fall on this old lady and I jumped up and stopped it.  Thus I became Superman, with the power to make sensicle, quick decisions.
We were pretty loud and obnoxious on the ride back though, so that same woman I 'saved' started giving me the look.  Ungrateful people!  It's times like this that I consider throwing in the cape.

3. On Sunday I went with Max (who is a kind of jittery Tom Cruise lookalike) and Tom (a guy) to see the Dark Knight in German despite all my fears and better judgement.  The previews were all for dubbed American movies that came out at home 2 months ago.  The Hellboy 2 trailer had a particularly poor dub, making things worse for a particularly poor movie.  There was also a poorly dubbed preview for the new Bond movie, "Ein Quantum Trost."  God I hope that comes out in English in the former American sector here.  Anyway, Batman was still totally awesome and, having already seen it, I was able to translate many of the lines and keep up with the story.  Yes, the Joker was dubbed.  Yes, it was a crime, but the dub was actually not bad.  The guy even emulated the Joker's lip-licking twitch noise.  I felt bad for Max, we didn't know he hadn't seen it yet.
Suddenly, the movie stopped.  The lights came up and people started to get up and leave.  We were really confused.  All was ok though.  As it turns out, the Germans put a 10 minute pause in the middle of long movies solely so that they can get more beer from the concession stand or relieve themselves from the beer they got before the movie.

4. That's pretty much all from here.  A few other things that have come up:
Where the hell do you get humus here?  30% of Berlin is Turkish, come on!
This video from Leah has kept me both entertained and pissed off with the Bush administration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STvYcG8nmUc
My computer screen has officially fallen off.  It is held on only by the wires connecting the screen to the computer.


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